1914 To 1938 Stock Dodge Brothers Cars and Trucks

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  1. September 7:  Club Pig Roast at Herman’s, Patterson, NY.  Contact: 914-525-8049, DBStore@comcast.net
  2. September 14:  Cars in the Park, San Jose, CA.  Contact: Peder Jorgensen/Allan Greenberg, scvmtfc.org
  3. September 22-27:  Rivival AAA Glidden Tour, Fairfield, PA.  Contact: Bob Burchill, hattiesgarage@comcast.net
  4. October 8-11:  AACA National Fall Meet, Hershey, PA.  Thursday–Board meeting @4:30 pm, dinner @6:00 pm, $20 at door
  5. October 10, 6:00 PM:  Annual Dodge Brothers Club Dinner, Union Deposit Methodist Church, 34 W Main St, Hershey, PA; ($20 at the door)
  6. October 11-14:  Hershey Hangover XIII, Morgantown, PA.  Contact: Jeff Lesher, 630-639-1977, hersheyhangover@gmail.com
  7. October 19-25:  Dodge Brothers National Rally, Leeton, New South Wales, AUS.  Contact: Penny Young, nswdbca@gmail.com
  8. October 25-27:  Monterey Rain or Shine Tour, Pacific Grove, CA.  Contact: Carl Skow, 831-212-0640s
  9. December 7:  Dodge Brothers Main Christmas Luncheon, Contact: Bob & Mary Palmer, 616-891-2205, dbdriver@voyager.nete
  10. June 8-13, 2025: Dodge Brothers Club Meet, Berlin, OH, Contact: Theresa Jensen, 810-874-1583
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tail-light-dodge single-tank-scaled tank-1-scaled

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